What to Expect on the Day of Your Nano Brow Appointment

What to Expect on the Day of Your Nano Brow Appointment

What are Nano Brows?

Nano Brows are a groundbreaking technique in the beauty industry, known for its wispy and natural-looking hair-strokes. At Babyface Brows, we've witnessed firsthand the transformative power of this method. Using ultra-fine needles, Nano Brows create seamless and undetectable enhancements to the eyebrows. Nano Brows cater to a diverse clientele, including those with mature skin and oily/combination skin. If you’ve struggled with sparse or thin eyebrows, Nano Brows can be the solution that you’re looking for.

Pre-Appointment Preparation

Before your Nano Brow appointment at Babyface Brows, a little preparation goes a long way in ensuring optimal results. To help achieve this, we recommend avoiding any facial treatments, such as waxing or threading, at least two weeks before your appointment. Additionally, steer clear of using retinoids or exfoliants on the eyebrow area to prevent sensitivity. Lastly, arrive with clean, makeup-free skin so our technicians can work their magic with precision. We also recommend washing your hair before arriving, as you’ll want to avoid excess water exposure during healing.

Consultation and Mapping

At Babyface Brows, your Nano Brow journey begins with a personalized consultation tailored to your unique preferences and facial features.

During this mapping process, our skilled artists will take the time to understand your desired eyebrow shape and style. We'll measure and map your eyebrows to make sure that they’re balanced, and consider factors like your face shape, skin tone, and natural brow hair to create a design that complements your look perfectly.

Then, we’ll check in with you to see if there are any adjustments that you’d like to be made, and we won’t begin tattooing until you’re happy with the design.

Numbing and Comfort Measures

Your comfort is our priority at Babyface Brows. Before beginning the Nano Brow procedure, we'll apply a topical numbing cream to minimize any discomfort.

Additionally, we offer stress balls and soothing music to create a serene atmosphere during your appointment. Whether it's your first time or you're a seasoned client, our dedicated artists are here to ensure you feel at ease from start to finish.

Nano Brow Procedure

Next, we will start the tattoo process.

  • Precision Application: Our skilled artists meticulously implant pigment into the skin to create natural-looking eyebrows.

  • Customized Color: We’ll match the color to your natural eyebrow color and apply pigment in soft layers.

  • Comfort: We continue to apply numbing agents throughout the tattooing process to ensure a comfortable experience, allowing you to relax and enjoy the process.

  • Final Touches: Once the procedure is complete, we apply a soothing balm to promote healing and enhance pigment retention.

Aftercare Instructions

To maintain the appearance of your new brows, you’ll be given an aftercare kit to go home with. It will contain a soap and ointment needed for your healing, which will take approximately 10 days. Following these aftercare tips will ensure your Nano Brows remain vibrant for months to come:

  • Gentle Cleansing: Use a mild, non-abrasive cleanser to gently cleanse your eyebrows twice daily (for the first 4 days).

  • Avoid Moisture: Avoid getting your brows wet for 10 days to allow the pigment to settle.

  • Protect from Sun: Shield your brows from direct sunlight and wear sunscreen when outdoors to prevent fading.

  • Avoid Exfoliants: Refrain from using exfoliants or harsh skincare products on your brow area.

  • No Touching: Avoid touching or scratching your brows to prevent irritation and pigment loss.

  • Avoid Makeup: Steer clear of makeup, especially around the brow area, during the healing process.

  • Follow-Up Appointment: Schedule your 6-8 week follow-up appointment for any necessary changes and to seal in your new Nano Brows.


Your Initial Touch-Up will be scheduled 6-8 weeks after your first session to address any areas that may need adjustments or enhancements.

Subsequent Touch-Ups: Depending on your skin type and lifestyle, subsequent touch-up appointments may be needed every 2-3 years to maintain your desired look.

At Babyface Brows, we're passionate about helping you look good and feel good. From the initial consultation to the final touch-ups, we're dedicated to providing a personalized and exceptional experience. Schedule your appointment today and discover the transformative power of Nano Brows at Babyface Brows.