Receive a Refreshing Facial in Brooklyn, NY

Great Skin Starts Here

Great Skin Starts Here *

We are experts in extractions & massage

Depending on your need during this season, you can select between the two foci or your esthetician can help you select the best facial according to your skin. We recommend monthly treatments to maintain your new, healthy + bouncy skin.

Enjoy instant results as you reveal your brightest, smoothest, softest complexion. All of our facials are customized, focused on the client's goals, but also based on the condition and need of the skin at that specific time. Includes extractions, face massage, serum, and mask. We will analyze your skin and determine which facial steps will benefit you!

Signature Babyface Facial

Pore Cleansing Facial

Recommended for our oily, acne-prone skin clients - reduce pore buildup with our best acne fighting ingredients, extractions and high frequency for the pores of your dreams ✨

Radiance + Sculpting Facial

Skip the botox/filler and indulge in our Radiance facial; the perfect treatment to target your skin concerns while also achieving a more snatched and lifted facial structure. A combination of hydrating serums and manual massage to help to plump, lift, firm and snatch your face for a more hydrated and sculpted look! 🙌🏼

Barrier Repair Facial

Recommended for our dry, dehydrated, and sensitive skin clients - calm inflammation and deeply hydrate the skin from the inside out with our best skin soothing ingredients, manual massage and cool globes for a stronger + healthier skin barrier ☁️


  • Our Healing Facials are customized for each client and can include a combination of these services:

    Steaming - A machine used to steam the skin, relaxing the skin and tissues. Steaming also makes it easier to clear the pores and extract comedones.

    Manual Extractions - The process of manually clearing clogged pores.

    Facial Massage - A manual manipulation by rubbing, kneading, or other methods that stimulate metabolism and circulation. This treatment also assists in product absorption and stress relief.

    High Frequency - A tool used to kill bacteria and reduce inflammation, providing acne-fighting benefits. This treatment also increases blood vessel circulation, making the treatment an effective anti-aging and glow-boosting tool.

    LED - A light therapy that is painless, relaxing, and non-invasive with multiple benefits, including stimulating collagen production and treating mild to moderate acne.

  • Here at Babyface Brows, we recommend monthly treatments for optimal results.

  • Yes! We just recommend that you wait at least 2 weeks between treatments.

  • Yes, absolutely. Please make sure to indicate on your intake form (or let your esthetician know) if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, and your custom treatment will be tailored accordingly.

  • All genders are welcomed at, and encouraged to come to Babyface Brows.

  • We ask that you stop using prescription retinol 3-5 days before your treatment, and wait two weeks after receiving a laser treatment, fillers, or Botox to get a facial. Additionally, if you are currently on Accutane or similar medication, we ask that you wait until 6 months after your medication cycle is complete.

  • We ask that you wait 24 hours before working out and avoid all active ingredients (AHAs/BHAs/Retinol) for 24-48 hours.

  • No, not until the scab has fully shed and the skin behind it has healed.

  • Typically, as long as you don't have active breakouts or any active flare ups of eczema, sensitivity, or other skin issues, we'll be able to proceed!

  • We currently do not have an age limit, however, a parental consent form is required for any client under 18.